torsdag 28. oktober 2010

WHERE, does it start or ... ,

there are no start or end in this world. Vindreken is both, 
heaven and earth og tilhører hverken det ene eller det andre.
Vindreken begynner ikke og slutter heller ikke. Vindreken is
everywhere, where I am. Jeg visste ikke at det fantes, noe 

som beautiful Vindreken før jeg fikk erfare dette over år.

(utsnitt av tidligere vist maleri)

lørdag 23. oktober 2010 , OLDisLAND or

gamleSKJÆRET with it´s old inhabitants KOMMER SNART! 
We in the OLDisLAND are the senoirs, the insiders and you become 
the outsider, not welcome and excluded from participating. 
You´ll peep into a closed society. Remember 
MEMENTO MORI ..., the inscription on a dial in a longcase clock
is a rule we all have to live by, even you. OLDisLAND coming soon:

fredag 22. oktober 2010


green er som en kode to a healthy lifestyle ... . Vi har codes for 
everything and use koder hele tiden. Well, I hope there never will 
be codes for using the lavatory. That would be catastrophic, do
I have to say more? Å skulle sette seg for å gjøre ..., og ikke huske 
koden, my good! Feil kode, your code is rejected and there you 
are ready to do what you have to do! What do you do? I am really 
sorry, I cannot help you. Help yourself, hvis du kan. Jeg kan ikke, 
and I don´t remember my codes. Jeg kan ikke slutte to go på do, 
is it possible to quit the need to go ... ? 

onsdag 20. oktober 2010


like small devils look like angels when they sleep ... . Spesielt når de er 
små. Small devils are georgeus sleeping beauties! Be aware, when they 
wake up they are sitt gamle jeg. Don´t trust what you see, trust your 
knowledge. Du vet at små djevler kan sette tilværelsen på hodet. They 
do turn the day upside down! Beware if you whish one ...

lørdag 16. oktober 2010


is THE MOUNTAIN. Bare the name sier mye, the wind drifting around
it ..., is almost like a fairytale. Hvor er trollet? Can anyone see any trolls?
I don´t see anything but my eyes see just what they want to see. My eyes 
have a life of their own. Jeg styrer ikke der. I want red and de sier noe
annet. I don´t win. I never win. I have forsøkt lotto, i dag. Vent å se ...,
men tror ingenting. Hvis jeg was lucky, I could buy my own painting!
En god idea, the best one this week. En god idé during one week is good,
isn´t it?

fredag 15. oktober 2010


THAT was A lot of flowers. I wasn´t one of them. Even today I´m not much of a flower.
Too many av dem får meg til å hide in a corner, to run as they smell. Such a heavy
lukt can wake up most from a deep søvn. There are power in a flower! De fleste smiler
og ler når de get a flower or three. Even I smile when I får en blomst. When I giftet
meg I did not get bouquet but my dress was black. Å gifte seg i sort, bad luck. Well,
it did not last, how could it, sort brud huttetu! How come, these white/black couples
with a bouquets manage to stay married, sometimes. The flowers, buketten er tingen.
There are power in a flower, it helps you in your daily life. "An apple a day keeps the
doctor away" sies det, but I say, a flower a day keeps evil, almost away, I am in a 

good mood today ... , plukk en, pick more!

onsdag 13. oktober 2010


I like that word, TATTOO! Det er power in TATTOO. Nesten uhørt å
sette et punktum etter et så sterkt ord. 
Hva det er, means is less importent and I have none. I like my sketches
on paper. To look at myself and see all the dark sides of my past, 
nei takk. Det er bad enough as it is. Lines are nicer on papir, shadows 
too. On papir, you don´t have to bring it with you wherever you go. It 
must be heavy to carry, such a burden all the time, in the
shower each morning, at the breakfast table and that is just the start
of a whole day. Ikke noe for meg, nei. Så at last to sleep with, 
det kan være vel mye å sove med ... .


mandag 11. oktober 2010


mitt liv? In my life there are ingen engler. Angels stick to each other 
and I am not en av dem. To be one of them one must be sweeeet.
Det er mange søte out there but not here. Noen snakker med englene, 
I don´t talk with them. How could I, being alone I don´t talk with anyone. 
Den eneste who comes by is a flie now and then. Lovely, litte flies, 
they fly around too ...

søndag 10. oktober 2010

Å SERVERE is ...

not my cup of tea. In my boat I am excellent but in the 
kitchen, forget it! In making bad coffee I´m excellent too. 
I love Marie kjeks, biscuits are perfect for someone like 
me. I serve biscuits to high and low. These plain Marie 
biscuits you can dip into the coffee and get Mocca Marie 
and Mocca Marie is delicious! Jeg anbefaler ... , 
no one listen to my recommendations anyway.

fredag 8. oktober 2010

AUTUMN is here

  og winter is coming. The seasons are like people coming and going, and
  coming back. I dag dundret det inn 5 karer, happy guys arrived by boat
  og I know just one of them. I bor in a house with a lot of rooms. Two 
  kitchens, a huge diningroom and, and ... og alle stuene are for playing.
  I dag lå vi, four children + me, on the floor painting in the diningroom. The 
  visiting guys will be back tomorrow, and play. We could play Hide and
  Seek, with kaffe og kake and a glass of sherry?   

torsdag 7. oktober 2010

BOOOOKS are ...

like a view, the very best are like a great view, out. Benvenuto
Cellini´s book " My Life " is the first autobiography written i Europa.  
My top choice book er tydligvis et uvanlig valg as boken 
er alone on the favourite-list. Does anyone knows it´s existence?
Benvenuto Cellini was a gold- and silversmith, one of de virkelig store
in Italy, the late rennaisance artists. The book is interesting, great fun 
and brutal reading, en super krim på flere måter. Cellini was jailed
by the pope or kardinal. Han forteller how he works with his different
metalls, his designs and he is not humble. He had no reason to be humble!

onsdag 6. oktober 2010

WELL, well ...

can you see anything i det hele tatt? Spyship, where
are you? Shit, hvem kan se et spyship. Det skal jo ikke være
synlig, but we need it even though we must not see it. Det
er ofte slik, we are not supposed to see much, sais the
authorities. I am almost blind. Så blind som jeg er, is a fault.
I am not sure hva et spyship really is? Is it transparent eller
så small that you cann´t see it? May be it looks like a clipper?
En gammel fullrigger no one believe actually is a spyship.
A museumship sailing around invited to all harbours og kan
spionere av alle krefter everywhere in the world. A vikingship,
yes, et vikingskip that is the right ship, for spying ... .

tirsdag 5. oktober 2010

THE SUN shines ...

on me, as everything is back to normal. Takketakk, takk.
Believe me, I am pleased. Nå vil jeg fortelle om M. som 
loves the fjord and bathing. The water is so cold, at jeg går
overhodet ikke i vannet. Jeg can swim but not here, I can 
dive men ikke her. Some years ago, a friend of mine took 
a swim with a wollen cap on the head! Jeg var sjokkert, 
svømmetur i julen, is og sne, og en god varm lue på hodet. 
Some are mad, others more than most. To swim in snowy 
weather with wollen cap on your head, the 25. of dec., in a 
small west coast icy fjord, no thank you!