søndag 17. januar 2016


ugly sketch this is.
It´s even impossible to read the text!
Why the norwegian flagg in it´s ass?
Yes, it is ugly
there are a reason for it´s ugliness
and the flagg in it´s ass.
This is you and me, the Lumps or lawyer´s clients
here in Norway.
The chance of falling and breaking the neck is remarkable ... .
Have a nice fall!

The norwegian lawyer society´s aunt (the " spokesantie ") told our
authorities that refugees must continue getting free legal help to try their cases.
In other words, our taxmoney pays their legal help, a huge amount of money!
Who gain by this?
She would even incease their salary ..., being too low based on being the same for so many years.
Poor lawyers.

lørdag 16. januar 2016


No, not really a revenge but a hope that the norwegian
lawyer society was interested in tieding up and see to that their members
followed their own rules, the same rules that belong to the whole of Europe.
These rules was a secret but should have been open to all of us.
They are today, open for the public:
Regler for god advokatskikk.
Something like " rules for correct lawyer behavior ".
The lawyers were not interested in mending their mistakes and neither was the norwegian lawyer society. 
Instead they tried to stop the exhibition in Sandefjord Artsociety.
That did not work.
The local newspapers did not dare write about the exhibition but the editor in the lawyers own publication " Advokat bladet " did
and this is the cover from 2003.
If you believe this has improved since then, sorry but no.
" Norwegian legal landscapes " on the blogg in 2015 
you can see details of the paintings.

onsdag 13. januar 2016


and their almighty gods are made by men. Is it men´s tools to rule, to power and to suppress the rest of us?
It is amazing that huge masses of people can worship such bloody histories. Even 
today here in this country, men behave as if they are of more value than the rest 
of us! My dear brother in law (Knap, born Hansen) behave as I am a misfit.
A misfit maybe but successful one! A kitchen has nothing to do with my 
success and in another country I could have risked the whip or being stoned. 
My brother in law would have loved that! 

An addition: He, my brother in law, may even have thanked his god if so ...         

tirsdag 12. januar 2016


fun than I could imagine. The ipad pro is a new world for me and I am
exploring ... . I do not like Apple policy as they don´t pay taxes in any
country and that is bad. If one company could afford to do so Apple is
certainly one! Still, their products are good even I know that. The sketch
is about security on the internet.
As shown, security is absent, almost none existent! We know that now
thanks to more whistlers and Snowden. When will Europe ever thank Snowden?

søndag 10. januar 2016


and all you need is a tiny match, 
a match to heaven IS sais!. Have a nice trip!

fredag 8. januar 2016


say it out loud!
My hearing is not
what it was.
- It hasn´t been for
a long time ... ,
your hearing I mean.
- So, just my
hearing or is it more?
- Yes it is more, I love
you sketches.
- Thank you U., you 
are a The Guy!
- And you are the 
noughtiest old girl in
our village, 
our ART village.
- What has art to do
with it?
- Balestrand is the
ART village, isn´t it?
- Yes, it is and most
so in winter where
all the art is made by
nature. Balestrand
is a winter Art secret
and don´t say it out 
loud as it is a secret.
Now U.,
now you can whisper
" wintersecret
Balestrand ".
- AABaaaastaaaawiiiii ... .
- Good,
lovely whispering U. .

onsdag 6. januar 2016


I hate be told what 
to do and not do!
The medical morons
in Norway are
on their way to
behave as a true
Dr. med. Besserwissen
by their suggetions.
Norway is not North
Korea, not yet ... .
My choice is mine
still. Is it?
I never use that
"thing" on my head
when cycling or that
"thing" around my 
chest in a boat.
Prison next?

My young friend has a complicated life ahead, my opinion.
Remember, the medical morons are widespread.