lørdag 25. desember 2010


the northern light came over me in the south and I was shocked.
The sky opened up as it was was about to drown me in a huge wave
of colours. I had never seen Aurora Borealis before and almost run for 
hiding. Aurora Borealis came and went without a sound and with a 
stunned public, me. I was alone, walking the hounds but they did not 
see it. As always they had a lot of importent smells to investigate ...

mandag 13. desember 2010


typography is great and I use it a lot in my work. The word used here is not, NOT but IKKE
the same word  but in norwegian.
NOT - IKKE becomes NOTIKKE, 
what a funny word. I might use
 this the next time!I used pen 
and ink here and it´s fun 
to do asit ends up 
Hvorfor skal 
alt ha en 

tirsdag 7. desember 2010

This is ... houses

I always return to, on the canvas. Hus er noe fundamentalt i our minds.
You are a part of the house and vice versa, even when you don´t want 

to be. Dette er kaia igjen, I have painted and sketched these houses 
more times. The quay is interesting with it´s old houses on a row for 
different purposes. One was the old post, stables, shop and shop, and 
atelier for an artist.

lørdag 4. desember 2010

It´s EARLY morning ...

the moon has been fiddling around Vindreken for quite a while, vakkert?
Bygda sleep and the houses sleep, Vindreken sleeps but I am awake and have been so en god stund.
Om en times tid er alle oppe og står igjen. My view is cold in late november and the mountains are
dressed in their pale wintercolours. Wood for the stove are the main work at this time og the year.