onsdag 29. september 2010

vipKnap is

not me, but it could be. Vi er alle VIP´er i eget liv, heldigvis. Min 
VIP var en med balls. Nå vil alle tro at balls is the thing for guys but, 
bitches have balls også. Ikke fysisk men they do have balls. 
De kan lage det også, 
I love my mothers meatballs. Who does not og svenska kjøttbullar
er mitt førstevalg i Harryturens frysedisk. Back to the balls,
these three certainly have balls if not ville de ikke være her.
They would be blushing and running away. Men de gjør
ikke det fordi de vet they have balls and have always had it.
Her hvor jeg bor, is that just something they are born with.
They can lage det også. These great bitches can cope with
mountains, mice, glaciers, poteter, apples, blomster, trees
babies, lawns, naboer, family, katter, potteplanter, dogs,
art, jokes, nuts, + beer and balls in all colours and shapes.

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